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Tags: 1990s, 90s, A Few Good Men, anne of green gables, Anne with an E, Aretha Franklin, aziz ansari, Beach House, Book Club, Book clubs, book tour, Carl Hiaasen, Caroline Kepnes, cats, Dark Places, Dave Chappelle, david sedaris, De La Soul, Death Proof, divorce, essay collection, essay writing, essays, Everything You Want Me to Be, Fargo, Forest Whitaker, gillian flynn, Girls, Gone Girl, horror, House of Cards, hunger, Insecure, James Blake, King Krule, Lost, Love Jones, Marie Claire, Marisa Siegel, Marisha Pessl, Master of None, Mavis Staples, Meaty, Mike Epps, Mindy Mejia, Mo'nique, Mr. Samantha Irby discusses her new essay collection, We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, all that comes along with writing about your life, and reading great horror books.more Hey besties, hope youve filed your taxestoday is Tax Day Once youve done that, celebrate or commiserate with a different sort of green on 4/20.On Friday, the trifecta of green occasions will be rounded out with Earth Day.You wont miss a thing thanks to this roundup, with events from Portland Pizza Week to Snail Mail and from Dave Chappelle to Roxane Gay.

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